Am I allowed to use the login credentials of
another person to access the database?
(Alternanthera philoxeroides)
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Training Archives
The Basics
Are you a new user of iMapInvasives? Then you're in the right place. Review any of the trainings
in this category and learn how to enter an observation record, navigate using the map,
perform data queries, and create custom email alerts.
Webinar #1
Webinar #2
Webinar #3
Reporting with the Mobile App
You'll learn the in's and out's of how to use the iMapInvasives mobile app in these step-by-step trainings.
Screenshots and tips are provided to help new users become more familiar
with this method of reporting invasive species.
Webinar #1
Invasives Near You: Mapping Your Local Natural Area
Advanced Features
Trainings in this category are recommended for natural resource professionals and citizen scientists active in invasive species management. Topics covered include assessment, survey, treatment,
and infestation management data types. Other highlighted features include the lasso tool,
data downloading, creating email alerts, and performing custom data querying.
Webinar #1
Webinar #2
Webinar #3
Examples of Using iMapInvasives
In this series of webinars, you'll learn how to put iMapInvasives to use in real-world situations.
Hear stories from individuals who are using iMapInvasives to conduct academic research,
manage natural resources, and report findings of high priority invaders.
Webinar #1
Webinar #2
Special Trainings
Trainings in this category provide information on individual invasive species
or were hosted as part of a special event.
Water Chestnut Chasers Challenge (2017)
Managing Invasive Plants Strategically: Objectives and Methods
(Class held at the Morris Arboretum)
Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area: Invasive Plant Workshop
(Class held at Kinzua Bridge State Park)
Water Chestnut Chasers Challenge (2018)
Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area: Invasive Plant Workshop
(Class held at Potter County Extension Office)
Hosted on
June 25, 2019
Three-Part Species Search Challenge: Water Chestnut, Hydrilla, & Wavyleaf Basketgrass (2019)
Overview of iMap 3.0: The Next Generation of iMapInvasives