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Photo credit: Gary Peeples, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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Welcome to the

Pennsylvania iMapInvasives Homepage

iMapInvasives is an online reporting and data management tool used to track invasive species.

The goal of our program is to assist natural resource professionals and citizen scientists by advancing 

their knowledge of species distributions across Pennsylvania and to provide a tool

which stores both location and management details.

Pennsylvania Invasive Species News Update

The use of goats as a management technique has allowed staff at the Erie National Wildlife Refuge to successfully suppress troublesome populations of multiflora rose. In doing so, important native species have started reappearing which provides benefits to local wildlife and the regional ecosystem.

Read more >

Participate in Training

For those interested in utilizing iMapInvasives, several training options are available.
Whether it's participating in a webinar or scheduling a trainer to come to your organization, we do our best to ensure our users understand the basics of iMapInvasives. 

Encouraging Words from our Users

Brian Crooks, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, iMapInvasives testimonial, Encouraging Words
"iMapInvasives is comprehensive,
yet easy to use. A user can
quickly get a complete picture of what
is threatening a given area and
then make management decisions."
Brian Crooks
Community Forester at the
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Brian Pilarcik, Crawford County Conservation District, iMapInvasives testimonial, Encouraging Words
"One of the greatest values of using
iMapInvasives is receiving a
quick catch of a new
invasive species report."
Brian Pilarcik
Watershed Specialist at the 
Crawford County Conservation District
Sara Stahlman, Pennsylvania Sea Grant, iMapInvasives testimonial, Encouraging Words
"The email alert capability in
iMapInvasives has been extremely helpful to me. I've set up several alerts in order to receive information on new infestations
reported in Pennsylvania."
Sara Stahlman
Coastal Outreach Specialist at
Pennsylvania Sea Grant
Learn how to contribute your invasive species data to iMapInvasives by reviewing the iMapInvasives User Manual.

Contribute Data

Take part in Rapid Response efforts by

being an Early Detector.

Learn which invasive species are listed as Early Detection and High Priority for Pennsylvania.

Contribute your findings of these and other species by logging in if you are a registered user.

Purple loosestrife

Photo credit: Jamie McCaffrey/Flickr

Gallery of Invaders

We always love to hear from you!

Please send us your questions, comments, and feedback and we will do our best to respond to you as soon as possible.

The Pennsylvania iMapInvasives Program is a partnership of the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, and NatureServe.

Funding for Pennsylvania iMapInvasives is provided by the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

thumbnail_NatureServe new logo_H color (3).png
Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program, iMapInvasives partner
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative logo, iMapInvasives funding source
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